Centre for Information,
Counselling and Social Services info@cuni.cz


Dear International Students,
to the new semester! During the spring semester the Charles University
Centre for Information, Counselling and Social Services is organizing
two guided tours for international students on the premises of the
historical building of the university, as well as two movie nights
featuring well-known modern Czech movies. All events are free of
charge. Further, check the website of your home faculty regularly for
events organized at your faculties. We are also including several
websites where you can find useful information about studying and
living in Prague and in the Czech Republic.
We look forward to meeting you at our events!
On behalf of the CICSS team,
Lída Součková

Guided tour – Carolinum
Join us for a guided tour through
the historical building of CU. Do not miss this unique opportunity to
learn more about the university’s history on April 9th at 4.30pm.
Free entry, registration required.

Jan Palach: Movie Night
Have you heard of Jan Palach, who
was closely connected with CU? Come and join us on April 4th at 5pm –
we will be screening the movie Jan Palach (2018). Free entry,
registration required.

Card: Movie Night
Interested in Czech history and
culture? On May 23rd at 5pm we will be screening Občanský průkaz
(Identity Card), the story of four youngsters in 1970’s
Czechoslovakia. Free entry, registration required.

Career Day
at CU
We would like to invite
all students and fresh graduates to our Career Day on April 17th. You
will have a chance to do a dry run of a job interview, to talk with
professional consultants from a recruitment company and much more.

Do not forget to prolong your
dormitory contract in May in order to ensure your place for the next
academic year. For more information, see the reservation system (currently only in Czech, sorry!) and contacts.

Summer schools at CU
Are you staying in the Czech
Republic for the summer? Would you like to meet new people, try
another study field and even earn some credits? See what CU has to offer.

Visit the Botanical
The spring is approaching, visit
our botanical garden (Faculty of Science) where you can enter both
the greenhouse and outdoor sections.

4EU+ Alliance
Charles University is one of the
6 partner universities of the 4EU+ Alliance. New opportunities for students
and academics. Follow the news on the website.

Erasmus Student Network
ESN is a student association
organizing various social, cultural and sport events as well as trips
for both international and Czech students at Charles University. Join
ESN to meet other students!
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